
Showing posts with the label Cancer sign

Jupiter Transit 2022- Cancer - Karkataka rasi

  Till April 13th Jupiter will transit in Aquarius sign. This transit till April 13th is a bit challenging for Cancer sign people., For the people whose running Dasha is good, for them it is a bit relaxed, but for the people whose running Dasha is not great, they have to face challenges in life till April 13th. As Jupiter is transiting in 8th house, it will impact their financial status means- 1) people might have unexpected huge expenses 2) People might not receive full salary due to some issues 3) For a few, health might get affected - like digestive issues, 4) People who are suffering from Kidney problems, have to be extra careful Jupiter with his 5th aspect watches 12th house, will lead to unexpected expenses. Family members' health will get affected. People who are trying to travel abroad might get a chance with extra effort and the journey will be very challenging. Few people will fail to get Visa on the first attempt, and few will get stuck at the airport. But finally, they