
Showing posts with the label capricon.

Jupiter Transit 2022- Capricorn- Makara Rashi

The below predictions are applicable for the people whose birth chart have Moon in Capricorn sign house (Makara Rashi) Till April 13th Jupiter will transit in Aquarius sign (Kumbha Rashi). Jupiter transit is in 2nd house. It is good for financial growth. Need to face a few challenges in an office environment or family relationships. These people will get good salary growth. Jupiter 5th aspect is on 6th house. Chances to have legal issues. Those who want to enhance skills, need to keep extra effort to complete. In an Office new projects need to handle which are challenging projects. Few people will be moved to a new team but this is not as per your choice. You need to take time to adjust to new team as it is having a challenging time for you. Jupiter 7th aspect is on 8th house. This is a completely challenging time. People who want to change their job need to wait till May month. This is not a great time. Extra expenses happen for family health. Health caution is required. A healthy