
Showing posts with the label Jupiter Transit

Virgo 2022 Horoscope - Astrology predictions for Virgo in 2022

The below predictions are applicable for the people who have Moon in Virgo in their birth chart. This year is the moderate period for Virgo people.  Jupiter is not favorable till April 13th and later on Jupiter transit to Pisces gives them good success and fruitful results.  Saturn is favorable between April to July end and later on, Saturn does not give great results. Saturn will transit to Aquarius between April and July and later part Saturn retrograde to Capricorn and becomes normal from October month. Rahu is not Favorable from April month. Rahu will transit to Aries in the month of April which will create obstacles in their daily life. Career and Finance: Career-wise, for those who are expecting promotions, chances are there to get those. The salary hike will be more than expected. People who had invested in the share market and Mutual Funds will get excellent profits. Financially this year Virgo people will benefit more than expected and can increase their bank balance. Few pe

Jupiter Transit 2022- Capricorn- Makara Rashi

The below predictions are applicable for the people whose birth chart have Moon in Capricorn sign house (Makara Rashi) Till April 13th Jupiter will transit in Aquarius sign (Kumbha Rashi). Jupiter transit is in 2nd house. It is good for financial growth. Need to face a few challenges in an office environment or family relationships. These people will get good salary growth. Jupiter 5th aspect is on 6th house. Chances to have legal issues. Those who want to enhance skills, need to keep extra effort to complete. In an Office new projects need to handle which are challenging projects. Few people will be moved to a new team but this is not as per your choice. You need to take time to adjust to new team as it is having a challenging time for you. Jupiter 7th aspect is on 8th house. This is a completely challenging time. People who want to change their job need to wait till May month. This is not a great time. Extra expenses happen for family health. Health caution is required. A healthy

Jupiter Transit 2022- Sagittarius- Dhanassu Rashi (Jupiter transit in Aquarius)

  The below predictions are applicable for the people whose birth chart have Moon in S agittarius sign house (Dhanassu Rashi) Till April 13th Jupiter will transit in Aquarius sign (Kumbha Rashi). For Sagittarius, Jupiter transit is in 3rd house, which is favorable for people who are in media, journalism, marketing, teaching kind of professions. People who are in movies will get guaranteed hits. Singers will get a good break. People in Marketing, Teaching will get moderate to good growth. Jupiter 5th aspect is on 7th house. This impact will be on business persons. People can expect extra profit in business. Unmarried will turn to married. Jupiter 7th aspect is on 9th house. Those who are looking for higher studies will get admission in dream colleges/institutes. Abroad opportunities are fruitful. Chances for Temple Travel. Luck or financial benefit from partner family. Jupiter 9th aspect is on 11th house. This will definitely give financial benefits. Those who invested in the share ma

Jupiter Transit 2022- Libra - Tula Rashi

The below prediction are applicable for the people whose birth chart have Moon in Libra sign house (Tula Rashi) Till April 13th Jupiter will transit in Aquarius sign. Jupiter transit is happening in 5th house for libra sign people. This is a good indication for the people who want to enhance their skills and knowledge. People who are looking for childbirth, will happen this time. Jupiter 5th aspect is on the 9th house, which will be very favorable. People who want to pursue higher education, this time it is guaranteed in their dream colleges or institutes. For those who want to pursue abroad, this time it is very fruitful. The job holder will get either promotion or a good increment or both. Jupiter 7th aspect is on 11th house, which will definitely give financial benefits. Job holders will get high salary increments. Business people will get good profits. People who are in love, will get married soon. People who are in share market will get unexpected benefits. Jupiter 9th aspect is

Jupiter Transit 2022- Virgo

The below prediction are applicable for the people whose birth chart have Moon in Virgo sign house Till April 13th Jupiter will transit in Aquarius sign. For Virgo people, Jupiter transit is happening in 6th house. This is a challenging period for them. For few, it might happen to take loans. For few, it is difficult to crack the interviews or competitive exams. Chances to get unnecessary arguments in either office or in house. Extra care is required while delivering any statements with others. Jupiter with his 5th aspect, watches 10th house. Even though its a challenging time, people whose current running dasa is good, they might get appreciation or bonus. People who are trying for job change, they might get change but not according to their choice. Compromise is required in accepting new job offer. In existing job, new projects need to handle, even if you are not interested to do those projects. Jupiter with his 7th aspect watches the 12th house. This is also not a favorable aspect.

Jupiter Transit 2022- LEO

Till April 13th Jupiter will transit in Aquarius sign. The below prediction are applicable for the people whose birth chart have Moon in Leo sign house Till April 2022 Jupiter transit in 7th house, which is favorable for Leos. People who are running businesses, will be benefited. Business people might get good financial benefits. Unmarried people might get married by April 2022. Jupiter with his 5th aspect, watches 11th house. This is very good for leo sign people. There is guaranteed financial gains. Business people will get new customers or new orders and their financial status will increase. Jupiter with his 7th aspect, watches, its own rashi. This will help to enhance the skills or change their thought process. People will get married and chances to get the partner from their home town or alliance might be from relatives or friends. Jupiter with his 9th aspect watches 3rd house, 3rd house is for public communication. Lecturers, professors, teachers will get unexpected wealth gain

Jupiter Transit 2022- Gemini

Till April 13th Jupiter will transit in Aquarius sign. For Gemini zodiac sign people, Jupiter will stay in 9th house. This is the lucky house and this is the luckiest time for them. These people had suffered bit problems till November 2021. Now this time period is much more favorable for them. People who want to go for higher studies definitely will get admission to their dream college or institute. People who are in a job, they will get good financial increment. Few people might get chances to fly abroad also. People who want to enhance their skills in careers will get support from their managers or bosses. Jupiter with his 5th watches his own rashi, Gemini, will be very favorable. Especially for the people who want to go for higher studies, it is very favorable. For people who want to learn some spiritual concepts, this is an excellent time. Jupiter with his 7th aspect watches 3rd house, which is very favorable for the people who are working in media, communication, journalism, mark

Jupiter Transit 2022 - Aries

Aries - 2022 Jupiter Transit - April 13 2022 Till April 13th Jupiter will transit in the Aquarius sign. For Aries it is said to be good transit. Jupiter will transit in 11th house from Rashi lord. It will provide few monetary benefits and rise in financial status. Jupiter with 5th aspect it is aspecting 3rd house, means, people who are working in marketing, media, communication will be benefited. 7th aspect of Jupiter is watching 5th house, means people who do not have children or people who are trying for children might be having a chance to listen good news about progeny. People who are trying for higher studies or people looking to enhance their knowledge, will be benefited. 9th aspect of Jupiter watches 7th house, means, people who are looking for marriage will be married in this year. Also there might be some financial benefits from in laws family and people who are involved in business, will be getting extra profit. From Jan to Mar 2022 - people who are in business will get unexp