
Showing posts with the label Taurus

Taurus 2022 Horoscope - Astrology Prediction and Complete Analysis (Vrushabha Rashi)

2022 will be good for Taurus sign people.  The below predictions are applicable for the people who have Moon in Taurus in their birth chart. Till April 13th Jupiter is very favorable for them, later also will give mixed results. Saturn will cause a few hurdles in all the activities you handle. Currently, Rahu is in your own rashi, after April it will move to 12th house. This transit will give you mixed results.  Career and Finance: By April 13th there is a chance to get any promotion or good salary hike for these people. If any miscommunication in relationships will get resolved slowly by that time. Will have good time in home. Chances to purchase vehicle or land.  But need to check legal issues while purchasing land.  People who are working in Media, Journalism, Marketing, Teaching will get promotions or good salary increment after April. Chances to enhance skills. People who invested in share market or mutual funds will get huge amount as return. Promotions will be benefited for thos

Jupiter Transit 2022- Taurus

Till April 13th Jupiter will transit in Aquarius sign. Jupiter stay in 10th house for Taurus zodiac signs This is very favorable for Taurus people. They have a direct impact on their job. People whose Dasha period is good, they can expect either promotion or a huge increase in salary. People whose dasha is normal or bad, they also get somewhat betterment in their career or positions with extra hard work. People who completed their studies and searching for Jobs will definitely get employed by April 2022. With the 5th aspect, Jupiter watches 2nd house for Taurus, which means there will be a great increase in salary. There are slight chances to have a few celebrations at home. With the 7th aspect Jupiter watches 4th house for Taurus, which means they will have happiness from family. If there are any disputes or any problems in family life, this is the perfect period to conclude those problems and to start a fresh and happy life with family members. With the 9th aspect Jupiter watches 6