
Showing posts from January 23, 2022

Jupiter Transit 2022- Cancer - Karkataka rasi

  Till April 13th Jupiter will transit in Aquarius sign. This transit till April 13th is a bit challenging for Cancer sign people., For the people whose running Dasha is good, for them it is a bit relaxed, but for the people whose running Dasha is not great, they have to face challenges in life till April 13th. As Jupiter is transiting in 8th house, it will impact their financial status means- 1) people might have unexpected huge expenses 2) People might not receive full salary due to some issues 3) For a few, health might get affected - like digestive issues, 4) People who are suffering from Kidney problems, have to be extra careful Jupiter with his 5th aspect watches 12th house, will lead to unexpected expenses. Family members' health will get affected. People who are trying to travel abroad might get a chance with extra effort and the journey will be very challenging. Few people will fail to get Visa on the first attempt, and few will get stuck at the airport. But finally, they

Jupiter Transit 2022- Gemini

Till April 13th Jupiter will transit in Aquarius sign. For Gemini zodiac sign people, Jupiter will stay in 9th house. This is the lucky house and this is the luckiest time for them. These people had suffered bit problems till November 2021. Now this time period is much more favorable for them. People who want to go for higher studies definitely will get admission to their dream college or institute. People who are in a job, they will get good financial increment. Few people might get chances to fly abroad also. People who want to enhance their skills in careers will get support from their managers or bosses. Jupiter with his 5th watches his own rashi, Gemini, will be very favorable. Especially for the people who want to go for higher studies, it is very favorable. For people who want to learn some spiritual concepts, this is an excellent time. Jupiter with his 7th aspect watches 3rd house, which is very favorable for the people who are working in media, communication, journalism, mark

Jupiter Transit 2022- Taurus

Till April 13th Jupiter will transit in Aquarius sign. Jupiter stay in 10th house for Taurus zodiac signs This is very favorable for Taurus people. They have a direct impact on their job. People whose Dasha period is good, they can expect either promotion or a huge increase in salary. People whose dasha is normal or bad, they also get somewhat betterment in their career or positions with extra hard work. People who completed their studies and searching for Jobs will definitely get employed by April 2022. With the 5th aspect, Jupiter watches 2nd house for Taurus, which means there will be a great increase in salary. There are slight chances to have a few celebrations at home. With the 7th aspect Jupiter watches 4th house for Taurus, which means they will have happiness from family. If there are any disputes or any problems in family life, this is the perfect period to conclude those problems and to start a fresh and happy life with family members. With the 9th aspect Jupiter watches 6

Jupiter Transit 2022 - Aries

Aries - 2022 Jupiter Transit - April 13 2022 Till April 13th Jupiter will transit in the Aquarius sign. For Aries it is said to be good transit. Jupiter will transit in 11th house from Rashi lord. It will provide few monetary benefits and rise in financial status. Jupiter with 5th aspect it is aspecting 3rd house, means, people who are working in marketing, media, communication will be benefited. 7th aspect of Jupiter is watching 5th house, means people who do not have children or people who are trying for children might be having a chance to listen good news about progeny. People who are trying for higher studies or people looking to enhance their knowledge, will be benefited. 9th aspect of Jupiter watches 7th house, means, people who are looking for marriage will be married in this year. Also there might be some financial benefits from in laws family and people who are involved in business, will be getting extra profit. From Jan to Mar 2022 - people who are in business will get unexp

When Corona will come to end ?

From 2020 onwards, we are facing severe problems with Covid. Many of us are awaiting "The End" for Corona.  Many scientists and doctors are researching to stop the virus and its new mutants, but are still not able to get a permanent solution. According to astrology, we can predict when a permanent solution can be found or when these situation effects will come to an ending state. April 29th 2022 planet Saturn will move to the zodiac sign Aquarius.   April 13th 2022 planet Jupiter will movie to zodiac sign Pisces Pisces is the own house for Jupiter and will give excellent results in this transit.  Aquarius is the "Mool Trikon" for Saturn, which will give extremely positive results. In general, Mars, Moon, and Saturn planets are considered to be favorable for the Medical profession. Jupiter in Pisces will aspect, Cancer (5th aspect), Scorpio (9th aspect) will help to get positive results for the situation control. Saturn will aspect Aries (3rd aspect), Scorpio (10th a