
Showing posts with the label virgo sign

Jupiter Transit 2022- Virgo

The below prediction are applicable for the people whose birth chart have Moon in Virgo sign house Till April 13th Jupiter will transit in Aquarius sign. For Virgo people, Jupiter transit is happening in 6th house. This is a challenging period for them. For few, it might happen to take loans. For few, it is difficult to crack the interviews or competitive exams. Chances to get unnecessary arguments in either office or in house. Extra care is required while delivering any statements with others. Jupiter with his 5th aspect, watches 10th house. Even though its a challenging time, people whose current running dasa is good, they might get appreciation or bonus. People who are trying for job change, they might get change but not according to their choice. Compromise is required in accepting new job offer. In existing job, new projects need to handle, even if you are not interested to do those projects. Jupiter with his 7th aspect watches the 12th house. This is also not a favorable aspect.