Jupiter Transit 2022- Gemini

Till April 13th Jupiter will transit in Aquarius sign.

For Gemini zodiac sign people, Jupiter will stay in 9th house. This is the lucky house and this is the luckiest time for them. These people had suffered bit problems till November 2021.
Now this time period is much more favorable for them. People who want to go for higher studies definitely will get admission to their dream college or institute. People who are in a job, they will get good financial increment. Few people might get chances to fly abroad also. People who want to enhance their skills in careers will get support from their managers or bosses.
Jupiter with his 5th watches his own rashi, Gemini, will be very favorable. Especially for the people who want to go for higher studies, it is very favorable. For people who want to learn some spiritual concepts, this is an excellent time.
Jupiter with his 7th aspect watches 3rd house, which is very favorable for the people who are working in media, communication, journalism, marketing. They will be benefited from financial gains and promotion chances are there on cards.
YouTubers will be having a chance to get popularity.
Jupiter with his 9th aspect watches 5th house which is the knowledge house and the progeny house too.

For people who want to enhance their knowledge, it is a perfect time. People who are in research they might get some chances to complete their thesis. People who are looking for progeny, this is the golden time for them to hear some good news and also people who had children, their children will get some good rank in their studies.
From Jan to March 2022 - Students will get admission to their dream institutes and chances are there to fly abroad. Few people have a chance to stay away from their city to pursue higher education.
March 2022 - April 2022 - People who are looking for promotion in offices, will get promotions or a few people will get huge financial increments.
Few unmarried people will get married in the month of April or they might get the alliance and it will turn to marriage soon. People who are in business will get unexpected profits in March and April months.
** These predictions are based on the moon sign and it purely depends on your current dasha time, If your dasha is not great, these predictions cannot be experienced. So to to know your current Dasha, contact me personally**


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