Virgo 2022 Horoscope - Astrology predictions for Virgo in 2022

The below predictions are applicable for the people who have Moon in Virgo in their birth chart. This year is the moderate period for Virgo people. 

Virgo 2022 horoscope

Jupiter is not favorable till April 13th and later on Jupiter transit to Pisces gives them good success and fruitful results. 

Saturn is favorable between April to July end and later on, Saturn does not give great results. Saturn will transit to Aquarius between April and July and later part Saturn retrograde to Capricorn and becomes normal from October month.

Rahu is not Favorable from April month. Rahu will transit to Aries in the month of April which will create obstacles in their daily life.

Career and Finance:

Career-wise, for those who are expecting promotions, chances are there to get those. The salary hike will be more than expected. People who had invested in the share market and Mutual Funds will get excellent profits.

Financially this year Virgo people will benefit more than expected and can increase their bank balance. Few people will get good support from their bosses. Few will get promoted as Managers or Leads. 

For those who are looking for a job change, this is a good time. But in the new job, initial stages, you need to face a few obstacles due to Rahu 8th transit. Later on this situations will be dissolved. 

Business people will get good profits and will get new customers. Product manufacturing industry businesspeople will sell their products to new customers.

From the Month of April to July, Huge financial profits will be on cards. Those who have legal issues will get the judgment in their favor. But due to Rahu transit to Aries (8th House), will create unnecessary expenses on legal issues. 

As Rahu transit to the 8th house, few will get legal problems if you are fighting against to law. Few will get some police fine. 

Rahu will create obstacles in your career success. As few got promoted, some people in your office do not like your growth and try to backstab them. But due to Jupiter's strength, it does not happen, but a few hurdles need to face.

Financially, definitely increase in bank balance. Rahu transit will give unexpected and unnecessary expenses. Take control on expenses and think before you spend.

Family Life and Health

As Saturn will be in the 5th house, this will create health issues for their children, and children's educational progress will be slowed down. Extra care is required to take care of children's health.

Either Virgo people's health or family members will get health problems. For Students who are trying for higher education, it is very difficult to get admission into their dream college or university. Few people require extra effort to clear the backlogs. Self-driving is not recommended. Those who are in research like PhD, etc, will get complete their thesis and can get the degree. 


  • Chant or Listen Durga Strotra. 
  • Chant or Listen Vishnu Sahasra Namam. 
  • Visit Subramanya Swamy Temple.

Contact me Online for complete Horoscope Predictions



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