Taurus 2022 Horoscope - Astrology Prediction and Complete Analysis (Vrushabha Rashi)

2022 will be good for Taurus sign people.  The below predictions are applicable for the people who have Moon in Taurus in their birth chart. Till April 13th Jupiter is very favorable for them, later also will give mixed results. Saturn will cause a few hurdles in all the activities you handle. Currently, Rahu is in your own rashi, after April it will move to 12th house. This transit will give you mixed results. 

Career and Finance:

By April 13th there is a chance to get any promotion or good salary hike for these people. If any miscommunication in relationships will get resolved slowly by that time. Will have good time in home. Chances to purchase vehicle or land.  But need to check legal issues while purchasing land. 

People who are working in Media, Journalism, Marketing, Teaching will get promotions or good salary increment after April. Chances to enhance skills. People who invested in share market or mutual funds will get huge amount as return.

Promotions will be benefited for those who have their running dasha is good. If running dasha is not great, very difficult to achieve promotion. But If any one are in the list of promotion in between April to July, they will get promotion definitely but later will need to struggle to get these promotions.

People will get unexpected expenses or unexpected incidents when Rahu transit to 12th house. Chances are there to travel either abroad or to other place. Few people promotions will be there or cards but location might change or project will change and need to face few challenges.

Family Life:

Chances for child birth in home. Good understanding between partners ie wife and husband. They will have very good quality time.

Saturn 10th aspect is on 6th house, will get few relaxations if people have any legal issues. Workwise they can be able to handle tough and challenging projects too with extra effort.

Few unexpected expenses might happen for healthy family life. Chances for few couples to stay away for few days due to project work. 


Due to Rahu transit to 12th, will cause few health issues. Self driving need to avoid. Digestive related health issues, piles, fissures, female helath issues (gynecological issues). Jupiter transit and Saturn transit will help to reduce major health issues. But happen to spend more money to cure these kind of health issues. Few of family members also get unhealthy and need to spend to get the cure.


  • Chant or listen durga strotra on Tuesdays
  • Listen or read Rahu sloka on Tuesday Rahu Kala time (3 pm to 4.30 pm)
If you want to know personal horoscope analysis



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