Aries 2022 Horoscope - Astrology Prediction and Complete Analysis (Mesha Rashi)

 Entire 2022 will give mixed results for Aries zodiac sign (Mesha Rashi). The below predictions are applicable for the people who have Moon in Aries in their birth chart.

For Aries,  Jupiter is favorable till April 13th, later Jupiter cause, medium troubles. Saturn is completely favorable. Rahu is also moderately favorable after April. Let's see how it will affect their life.

Career and Finances:

Till April it is very favorable. Jupiter transit happening in 11th house till April, which will give fruitful results. People who are in Marketing, Media, Journalism, Teaching will get good benefits. For those who want to change their job, it is good to have such trials before April. 

After April 13th, Jupiter transit happens in the 12th house, which will create troubles in career. People will be transferred to different places or tough and challenging projects. Require a lot of effort to face the challenges. But Saturn transit is in 10th house will be very favorable to face these challenges in employment. 

People can expect some change in either job or project. If someone changes job after April, need to get ready themselves to accept difficult projects.

Saturn will give you enough strength to face these challenges. From the month of May to October, there is a chance to increase salary. 

Unexpected expenses might increase and need to spend money for their family members' health. Unavoidable journeys might occur and need to spend money for that. 

Even though there is an increase in salary this kind of expense will lead to dissatisfaction. But there is a chance to get a promotion for a few. This will happen due to Saturn transit to Aquarius from April 29th. This transit is temporary but can experience few benefits. 

Career-wise, Jupiter will land you in tough situations, but Saturn will help you. Pray Saibaba or Raghavendra every Thursday. Regularly chant or listen to "Vishnu Sahasra Nama Strotram". Try to visit Sai Baba temple every Thursday.

Family Life:

Till April 13th Jupiter transit is in the 11th house. This will increase harmony in the house. Relationships will strengthen. Father-son/daughter and wife-husband relationships will be in a better place. Children's health will improve.

Jupiter transit to the 12th house will create some troublesome situations. Inside the house, some unexpected situations will occur. Family members' health will be degraded and need to spend money. Better to avoid driving especially 4 wheeler. For two-wheelers also better to drive slowly. 

But from April 29th Saturn aspect is on your Rashi, the situations will be in control. Children's health issues will be in control, most of the time children will get issues on digestive related or cold/cough related. Wife and Husband Harmony will be moderate. Maintain proper communication everywhere. 


This 2022 from April onwards, need to take extra effort to maintain proper health. This is applicable to Aries and their family members. As Jupiter is transiting in the 12th house, it is always suggested to avoid junk food and be on a strict and proper diet. Otherwise frequent digestive issues or lungs related issues might occur. Chances to gain extra weight. Urinary-related problems might occur. 

If your running Dasha is good, some better relaxation will be there in life, but if your running Dasha is not great, better to take precautionary measures.


  • Visit Sai Baba or Raghavendra Temple every Thursday or Saturday
  • Fasting on Thursday
  • Listen or Chant Vishnu Sahasra Nama Strotra
  • Visit Durga Temple on Tuesdays or Chant or Listen Durga Strotra on Tuesday

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