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Sagittarius 2022 Horoscope - Astrology predictions for Sagittarius (Dhanassu Rashi) in 2022

The below predictions are applicable for the people who have Moon in Sagittarius (Dhanassu Rashi) in their birth chart.  This year Sagittarius zodiac people will face mixed results.  Career and Finance: This year Jupiter transit to Pisces will give some better results in terms of employment. People who are planning for a job change, this is good time for them. Chances to learn new technologies and will get a chance to work on new projects. Chances are good to get good salary increment.  But there are few hurdles for students in getting good rank. People who are looking to travel abroad, need extra effort to get things done.  Saturn will move to Aquarium and will be back to Capricorn. In that time period chances to get relief from hurdles for these sign people. As these people are facing "sade sath sani" or "Elinati Shani", need to wait till 2023 January to get complete relief. Rahu transit to Aries will bring few changes in their work environment. Either they have t

Scorpio 2022 Horoscope - Astrology predictions for Scorpio(Vruschika Rashi) in 2022

The below predictions are applicable for the people who have Moon in Scorpio (Vruschika Rashi) in their birth chart. This year is very good for Scorpio sign people (Vruschika Rasi). Those whose running dasha is good, they can enjoy a fruitful life. Those whose running dasha is not good, will get average results. This year is a golden time for Scorpio people.  Career and Finance: This year Jupiter's transit to Pisces in April will give good life. People who want to pursue higher studies will get admissions. Employees will learn new technologies. Students will get good ranks.  Employees will get a good salary increment. Students who are looking for higher education in abroad will get admission and the Visa process will also happen smoothly. Employees have great chances for promotions.  Saturn transit in Capricorn till April and again it will transit to Aquarius from April to July and Saturn will back to Capricorn from August, April to July time period is a challenging time period f

Libra 2022 - Horoscope - Astrology predictions for Libra (Tula Rashi) in 2022

The below predictions are applicable for the people who have Moon in Libra (Tula Rashi) in their birth chart. This year is average to moderate for the Libra people (Tula Rashi people). Jupiter transit to Pisces , 6th house, is not much great for these people.  Saturn is in Capricorn and will move to Aquarius in April and back in July, Saturn transit will happen in 4th and 5th house.  Rahu transit to Aries , 7th house is also average for the Libra people. Career and Finance This year is a very challenging year for Libra people. They have to get ready to face different kinds of situations for this year.  There is a chance of promotion in your career, but you will not get support from your team members, or your boss or lead does not give you support sometimes. This will give you a lot of hurdles in your day-to-day life.  Unnecessary and unexpected expenses will occur and cannot have control over those expenses. It is always better to save money as much as before May. From May month expens

Virgo 2022 Horoscope - Astrology predictions for Virgo in 2022

The below predictions are applicable for the people who have Moon in Virgo in their birth chart. This year is the moderate period for Virgo people.  Jupiter is not favorable till April 13th and later on Jupiter transit to Pisces gives them good success and fruitful results.  Saturn is favorable between April to July end and later on, Saturn does not give great results. Saturn will transit to Aquarius between April and July and later part Saturn retrograde to Capricorn and becomes normal from October month. Rahu is not Favorable from April month. Rahu will transit to Aries in the month of April which will create obstacles in their daily life. Career and Finance: Career-wise, for those who are expecting promotions, chances are there to get those. The salary hike will be more than expected. People who had invested in the share market and Mutual Funds will get excellent profits. Financially this year Virgo people will benefit more than expected and can increase their bank balance. Few pe

Leo 2022 Horoscope - Astrology Prediction (Simha Rashi)

The below predictions are applicable for the people who have Moon in Leo in their birth chart. This year is a kind of challenging period. Jupiter if favorable till April 13th, later on, due to Jupiter transit happen to face a lot of challenges. Saturn is favorable, but between April to July Saturn is not much favorable. Rahu transit after April provides moderate results.  Career and Finance: People who are employed will get promotions and good salary hikes before April 13th. Later period, is not much great time. Those who changed their jobs before April 13th need to face a few obstacles and challenges from the month of May, due to Jupiter's transit to the 8th house.  Unexpected failures or unexpected expenses might occur. Business professionals will lose a few customers and chances to get disputes between business partners. Chances to demote for few people whose running dasha is not good. Few people might travel abroad after April. Jupiter transit after April will cause, many unexp

Cancer 2022 Horoscope - Astrology Prediction (Karkataka Rashi)

 2022 gives mixed results for Cancer sign people. The below predictions are applicable for the people who have Moon in Cancer sign ( Karkataka Rashi ) in their birth chart. This year planet Jupiter is not favorable till April 13th and later it becomes favorable. Planet   Saturn provides medium results till April 29th and not from April 29th to July 12th. From July 12th to October, Saturn does not give any results and from October onwards, Saturn again provides medium results from then. Rahu transit is also favorable this entire year. Career and Finance: This year till April end, career progress is very slow. Those who want to switch their jobs, have to wait till April end. After April, there is a chance to get a new job. But in the new job from April to July, will face a few challenges. Those who try the job change after July 12th, will get successful results. Salaried persons, will get salary increment after April. Even Jupiter transit is good after April, Saturn transit from April

Gemini 2022 Horoscope - Astrology Prediction (Mithuna Rashi)

 2022 is a good time for the Gemini people. The below predictions are applicable for the people who have Moon in Gemini in their birth chart.  Jupiter is completely favorable. Saturn is not great this year. Rahu will be favorable from April. Saturn is transiting in 8th house till April, later moves to 9th house and will back to 8th house in July.  Career and Finance: After April 13th once Jupiter enters into Pisces, these people will get unexpected Financial benefits. Even good salary increments. But there is a chance to face a few issues in an office environment, like being unable to complete the project on time or will need to take a few projects which you do not like to handle. For those who want to shift their job, this is the best time.  Saturn transit will keep you problematic in the delivery of work. But Jupiter will help you to come out of that situation. Self-efforts are required to deliver any project on time. Unexpected expenses might occur. Those who have good running Dasha

Taurus 2022 Horoscope - Astrology Prediction and Complete Analysis (Vrushabha Rashi)

2022 will be good for Taurus sign people.  The below predictions are applicable for the people who have Moon in Taurus in their birth chart. Till April 13th Jupiter is very favorable for them, later also will give mixed results. Saturn will cause a few hurdles in all the activities you handle. Currently, Rahu is in your own rashi, after April it will move to 12th house. This transit will give you mixed results.  Career and Finance: By April 13th there is a chance to get any promotion or good salary hike for these people. If any miscommunication in relationships will get resolved slowly by that time. Will have good time in home. Chances to purchase vehicle or land.  But need to check legal issues while purchasing land.  People who are working in Media, Journalism, Marketing, Teaching will get promotions or good salary increment after April. Chances to enhance skills. People who invested in share market or mutual funds will get huge amount as return. Promotions will be benefited for thos

Aries 2022 Horoscope - Astrology Prediction and Complete Analysis (Mesha Rashi)

 Entire 2022 will give mixed results for Aries zodiac sign (Mesha Rashi). The below predictions are applicable for the people who have Moon in Aries in their birth chart. For Aries,   Jupiter is favorable till April 13th, later Jupiter cause, medium troubles. Saturn is completely favorable. Rahu is also moderately favorable after April. Let's see how it will affect their life. Career and Finances: Till April it is very favorable. Jupiter transit happening in 11th house till April, which will give fruitful results. People who are in Marketing, Media, Journalism, Teaching will get good benefits. For those who want to change their job, it is good to have such trials before April.  After April 13th, Jupiter transit happens in the 12th house, which will create troubles in career. People will be transferred to different places or tough and challenging projects. Require a lot of effort to face the challenges. But Saturn transit is in 10th house will be very favorable to face these challen

Jupiter Transit 2022- Pisces- Meena Rashi

  The below predictions are applicable for the people whose birth chart have Moon in Pisces sign house (Meena Rashi) Till April 13th Jupiter will transit in the Aquarius sign (Kumbha Rashi). For these people, Jupiter transit is happening in 12th house. It is not much favorable. Saturn will be favorable but not Jupiter. Unexpected and Unwanted expenditure will happen. For few, they will lose peace of mind. Unexpected situations will occur. Jupiter 5th aspect is on 4th house. This will create an unhappy environment in the house. Unexpected arguments might occur. For a few vehicles, repairs might occur. Land issues might occur. Extra expenditure for education. Jupiter 7th aspect is on 6th house. This will give arguments with the spouse or with a partner. Business people should be very careful while going for any new venture or better to have proper terms with your business partner. Marital issues for couples or temporarily need to stay away from their partners. Jupiter 9th aspect is on

Jupiter transit 2022 for Aquarius/Kumbha Rashi

The below predictions are applicable for the people whose birth chart have Moon in Aquarius sign house (Kumbha Rashi) Till April 13th Jupiter will transit in the Aquarius sign (Kumbha Rashi). For these people, Jupiter transit is happening in their Rashi. This will bring some good results. Compare to last year, this year will be good for these people. Financial status will be fruitful. The thought process will change and will think about their savings and also invest wisely. Even Saturn is creating a few obstacles, Jupiter will help these people to happen things properly. Jupiter 5th aspect is on 5th house. This will help to improve their knowledge. Who are looking for progeny, will have chances to get good news. Jupiter 7th aspect is on 7th house. Unmarried people will get married. Those who run business, will get good profits and think of new ventures or new branches to improve their existing business. For those who want to start a new business or thinking to start a new business, t

Jupiter Transit 2022- Capricorn- Makara Rashi

The below predictions are applicable for the people whose birth chart have Moon in Capricorn sign house (Makara Rashi) Till April 13th Jupiter will transit in Aquarius sign (Kumbha Rashi). Jupiter transit is in 2nd house. It is good for financial growth. Need to face a few challenges in an office environment or family relationships. These people will get good salary growth. Jupiter 5th aspect is on 6th house. Chances to have legal issues. Those who want to enhance skills, need to keep extra effort to complete. In an Office new projects need to handle which are challenging projects. Few people will be moved to a new team but this is not as per your choice. You need to take time to adjust to new team as it is having a challenging time for you. Jupiter 7th aspect is on 8th house. This is a completely challenging time. People who want to change their job need to wait till May month. This is not a great time. Extra expenses happen for family health. Health caution is required. A healthy

Jupiter Transit 2022- Sagittarius- Dhanassu Rashi (Jupiter transit in Aquarius)

  The below predictions are applicable for the people whose birth chart have Moon in S agittarius sign house (Dhanassu Rashi) Till April 13th Jupiter will transit in Aquarius sign (Kumbha Rashi). For Sagittarius, Jupiter transit is in 3rd house, which is favorable for people who are in media, journalism, marketing, teaching kind of professions. People who are in movies will get guaranteed hits. Singers will get a good break. People in Marketing, Teaching will get moderate to good growth. Jupiter 5th aspect is on 7th house. This impact will be on business persons. People can expect extra profit in business. Unmarried will turn to married. Jupiter 7th aspect is on 9th house. Those who are looking for higher studies will get admission in dream colleges/institutes. Abroad opportunities are fruitful. Chances for Temple Travel. Luck or financial benefit from partner family. Jupiter 9th aspect is on 11th house. This will definitely give financial benefits. Those who invested in the share ma

Jupiter Transit 2022- Scorpio - Vrischika Rashi (Jupiter transit in Aquarius)

T he below predictions are applicable for the people whose birth chart have Moon in Scorpio sign house (Vrishchika Rashi) Till April 13th Jupiter will transit in Aquarius sign. For Scorpio sign people, the current Jupiter transit will be in the 4th house. This will give mixed results. These people can enjoy the comforts in-home or home town. Chances to purchase a vehicle. Jupiter 5th aspect is on 8th house. This will increase unexpected and unwanted expemditure. Health should be taken care verycarefully. Better to avoid self driving till April month. If it requires to drive, better to drive slowly and carefully. Jupiter 7th aspect is on 10th house. This is very favourable for employees and business people. Employees can expect either promotion or good amount of salary increment. For business persons can expect good profits and new customers. Jupiter 9th aspect is on 12th house. This indicates health issues and hospitalzation or spending extra money for medical and hospitals for their

Jupiter Transit 2022- Libra - Tula Rashi

The below prediction are applicable for the people whose birth chart have Moon in Libra sign house (Tula Rashi) Till April 13th Jupiter will transit in Aquarius sign. Jupiter transit is happening in 5th house for libra sign people. This is a good indication for the people who want to enhance their skills and knowledge. People who are looking for childbirth, will happen this time. Jupiter 5th aspect is on the 9th house, which will be very favorable. People who want to pursue higher education, this time it is guaranteed in their dream colleges or institutes. For those who want to pursue abroad, this time it is very fruitful. The job holder will get either promotion or a good increment or both. Jupiter 7th aspect is on 11th house, which will definitely give financial benefits. Job holders will get high salary increments. Business people will get good profits. People who are in love, will get married soon. People who are in share market will get unexpected benefits. Jupiter 9th aspect is